Author: Young Adventists

Youth, Mentor/Parent

Disney Is Interested in Your Kids

Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images The entertainment company pledges to embed radical sexual politics in its children’s programming....

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Equip, Mentor/Parent, Young Adult

Having a Christian Worldview Directly Impacts How Young People Manage Their Money, Study Finds

Amanda Casanova | Contributor | Thursday, March 10, 2022 A study from Lifeway Research and...

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Equip, Mentor/Parent, Young Adult

Why Relevant Religions are Irrelevant

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on why some religions are losing members faster than others: The surest way to kill a...

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Equip, Young Adult, Youth

Surviving Social Media

Image: | By Ryan Streeter Social media tends to undermine the moral sentiments that hold human community together. We can...

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Katy Perry Encourages American Idol Contestant to Rebel against His ‘Strict’ Christian Parents

Milton Quintanilla | Contributor for | Thursday, March 31, 2022 During a recent American Idol episode, pop singer...

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For Teens, Saving Each Other From Social Media Is a Team Effort

People exchange Instagram QR codes in New York on Aug. 8, 2021. The service has been eclipsed by Snapchat and TikTok among teenagers....

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