Young Adult

Young Adult

Revival in Review: What Asbury got right.

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts on faith, culture, and current events. Today I want to talk about something...

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Young Adult

Guess What Age Most People Feel Like They Finally Become an Adult

When do you officially become an adult? Unfortunately, there is no real “officially” in our modern society. You can drive at 16, vote...

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Equip, Mentor/Parent, Young Adult

Having a Christian Worldview Directly Impacts How Young People Manage Their Money, Study Finds

Amanda Casanova | Contributor | Thursday, March 10, 2022 A study from Lifeway Research and...

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Equip, Mentor/Parent, Young Adult

Why Relevant Religions are Irrelevant

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on why some religions are losing members faster than others: The surest way to kill a...

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Equip, Young Adult, Youth

Surviving Social Media

Image: | By Ryan Streeter Social media tends to undermine the moral sentiments that hold human community together. We can...

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Explore, Young Adult

What’s the Big Deal With Homosexuality?

What’s the big deal with homosexuality? The older people in my church often refer to homosexuality as a sin. Why would it be a sin if God...

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